Mi Vida Loca AKA My Crazy Life

2 min readMar 24, 2022

I am closing in on 30 years on this place we call Earth. Yet in that time I feel I’ve lived multiple lifetimes. I’ve spent time in various mediums that many make their life devotion. A track and field sprinter. An electrical engineer. A Los Angeles underground DJ. A researcher. An electrician. A party goer. A gamer. A dancer. A nerd. A traveler. A homebody. At the center of all this is the overpowering idea that life works out best when you commit to one devotion and invest in it more than any other ones such that you gain mastery for the best outcome in your life, career, and opportunities. But being the rebel that I am, I beg to differ. You can thrive by “spreading yourself too thin” if you know how to gauge it. I am not here to say that I know how rather that I have transformed my perception of what spreading yourself entails. I am happy now seeing that my life has let me see this perspective and am going to make a weird effort (shout out weird people) to put on display what it takes to spread your time across life’s spectrum to effectively find your place as your embrace working hard while playing hard. Easier said than done but I promise you, not impossible if you truly want it. Cheers to the start of this crazy journey!



P.S. — What this is about to be is me pulling the reader behind the curtain known as my life to provide stories blended with knowledge. This is step one of who knows how many in who knows how many directions (And who knows how many lackings of proper writing). A true whole-ass experience.




North Long Beach Native, Learned experiencer of the music, engineering, sports, and food worlds (plus many more sprinkled throughout my sporadic writings)